
Doré Woodman are an MCS accredited installer of Heat Pumps (Ground and Air Source) and Solar PV. The core of our work is in and around Kent, Surrey and Sussex.
We are proud of our technical skills, customer service and absolute dedication when offering the very best solutions in air and ground source heat pumps, underfloor heating and plumbing solutions, to new and existing homes.
With a clear vision to help homeowners in the UK see the greener more efficient option than their current gas or oil heating systems, we are on hand to advise, consult and fully install ground and air source heat pumps in Surrey, Sussex and Kent.


Yes. We always carry out a detailed survey of your home to ascertain the exact requirements for heating and hot water. We will advise on any requirements of areas that may need attention to reduce and limit any heat loss i.e, whether your loft is adequately insulated. Although they run at lower temperatures as a traditional boiler system inn most cases the Heat Pump, Air Source or Ground Source, will have the ability to provide 100 % of your heating and hot water requirements.
Our highly trained technical team specifically design your system to work as efficiently as possible. Electricity is generally more expensive than gas and well designed heating systems with a highly efficient condensing boiler can be relatively affordable to run; that said a heat pump will run at a very similar cost to a highly efficient gas boiler however, it is carbon neutral and much better for the environment.
Ground Source Heat Pump is better suited for a larger detached property and although the system is more efficient all year round it is more expensive to install and will require either enough land to lay ground collectors, up to twice the total floor area of a new build property and up to 5 times the total floor area of an older property or we would require the room to enable borehole excavation equipment and works ( a system that enables ground collector pipework to be installed vertically at up to 120 metres).
Air Source Heat Pumps require less initial works and often installed at a third of the price. You would require an outdoor space next to your home for the heat pump unit which will emit some very low noise when in operation. Both systems will require space for a hot water cylinder and a buffer tank (up to 100 Litres).
Our highly trained team will discuss each and every option available and advise the best suited installation for your particular property.
As an MCS Certified company we have the credentials to enable you to apply or the RHI scheme available once we have supplied you with the correct installation and all the documentation that is required. We can help to point you in the right direction for the application and advise wherever needed. It is extremely rare that an application is rejected or an installation does not meet the requirements and again we would advise that information to you prior to any works being carried out.
Yes a Heat Pump will most definitely be up to the task. There are very many Heat Pumps for every situation. Underfloor heating (UFH) systems run at a lower temperature than radiators which is why companies may advise it is better suited for UFH (Heat Pumps run at a lower temperature (up to 50 – 55 degrees) than a typical boiler system (60 to 70 degrees). A heat pump can run at a higher temperature and my not run quite as efficiently to supply heat to radiators. Our technical team will provide all the advise required.